Friday, October 14, 2005

Gramma Update!

We haven't given many Gramma updates lately because there hasn't been much change. Things have gotten worse right now since Gramma isn't getting much sleep now. We hope our friends will remember Gramma in their thoughts and/or purrayers....


PrincessMia said...

Mia & Ghost, we'll say a purrayer from your gramma. We hope she feels better soon. ::purrs::
Mia and Mia's mom.

Myst and Blackie said...

Thank you Mia & Mia's Mom... Our Mom is very sad right now.

Thanks Muddy... Mom said she loves your eyes.

Anonymous said...

We're so sorry to hear about your Gramma. We'll all keep her in our prayers.
Buzzerbee & meep

Shaggy and Scout said...

So sorry to hear that Mia & Ghost!
Prayers going out to us from all of us! All your blogger friends are with you in spirit.

Mattingly said...

Your Mom and your Gramma are in our thoughts and purrayers. It's good of you to help with the bed and everything. And my Mom says it's very important for you two to be at your most loving right now. Everyone benefits from that!

Edsel/The Pooch said...

we are saying prayers for your Gramma

Lynn said...

Sending warm and healing rattie thoughts.

Sanjee said...

I'm sorry your Gramma isn't sleeping good and is feeling badder. Maybe you can give her some lessons on cat naps and she can get a lil more sleepies? Me and Boni and Mini will keep her and you both and your Mommy in our purrayers for sure. Oh and my Mommy said she'd say purrayers for your Gramma and everybody too.

Anonymous said...

Sending good thoughts your Gramma's way. Just snuggle with her and purr on her ... I hear that works good.

Spock said...

You will all be in my Mom's purrayers! I'm sorry things aren't getting any better. We'll just have to pray harder.

Myst and Blackie said...

Thanks Buzz & Meep... we appreciate the prayers.

Thanks Scooby, Shaggy & Scout.... we are thankful for all our blogger friends.

Thanks Orlando Bun & we hope your Mom has forgiven you Fi & Sophia for you adventures while she was gone.

Hi, Mattingly... neither of us like to be held much. But we both can purr laying near Mom!

Thanks Edsel...

Thank you Ratties & Lynn...

Hi, Sanjee... Gramma is still having sleeping problems. We try to help but all we can do is say our purrayers right now. Thanks to you, Boni (we saw her new blog), Mini & your Mom.

Hi, Jasper... I get under her hospital bed and purr.... Hope that is helping.

Thank you Oreo... Mom said she appreciates all of you very much for keeping our Gramma in your thoughts/purrayers.

Beau said...

So sorry about your grandma. We're saying our prayers for her!