Thursday, October 29, 2009

National Cat Day

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

We plan to celebrate with lots of naps!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

BG (2002 - 10/23/2009)

BG ran off to the Rainbow Bridge on Friday. Her test results were worse than the vet expected so we decided that we couldn't put her thru treatments that wouldn't save her. We'd like to thank everyone for their purrs... We are sure that Ghost & Mia were waiting for her (probably with a HISS from Ghost). We only had just over 3 years with BG but we will never forget her...

We love & miss you Baby Girl...

Jade, Myst & Jen (and rest of human family too)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Another BG Update

She still at vet - they believe she has a growth on her larnyx... they are still testing... hopefully will know more later today.

Please purr really hard for BG...

Thanks... Jade, Myst & Jen

Thursday, October 22, 2009

BG Update

Just an update on BG... She is still at the vet and they ran tests today on her to try to determine the cause of her breathing problem. Hopefully they will have results today & determine a treatment. Myst has been looking for BG since she has been gone.

Thanks for all the purrs for BG... Jen

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thoughts for Tuesday

Could everyone purr or woof (or anything else) for BG please? She been referred to another v-e-t for more testing. She has been having trouble catching her breath & diagnosed with an enlarged heart too. We don't know if this is something that is a problem with Jack Russells.

Thanks - Jade, Myst, BG & Jen