Things I want to know:
1. Your name or alias.
2. Your blog address if you have one.
3. How long have you been reading my blog?
4. Why do you keep reading? What makes you come back?
5. What do we have in common?
6. How are we different?
7. Something I don't know about you.

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1. Your name or alias. Diva Kitty
2. Your blog address if you have one.
3. How long have you been reading my blog? Since you started blogging
4. Why do you keep reading? What makes you come back? Orlando has a crush on Mia… Mia, how do you feel about Bunnies?
5. What do we have in common? We’re cats!
6. How are we different? You don’t have bunnies
7. Something I don't know about you. I snuggle with DKM at night
1) Oreo
3) Since I started blogging & found all my new furriends!
4) I love your stories & looking at your bee-you-tea-full pictures.
5) We're purrty kitties.
6) I'm a tuxie, you are not.
7) I'm actually sweet when I get to know you.
Hi Mia! Nice Picture Ghost!
1.Scooby (Slick), Shaggy (Shaggster), Scout(Little One)
3. Since you started. I remember when you wrote to Timmy before you made your own blog. -Mom
4. We love kitty adventures! -All
5. We are all gorgeous handsome cats! -All
6. We have a baby kitty, you don't. He's annoying. -Scooby & Shaggy
7. We jump on the table all tht time.
Hi Ghost - you look so comfy.
1. George 8 1/2 yrs old, Tipper 2 1/2 years old, Max 1 1/2 years old
3. About 2 1/2 months
4. We enjoy reading about other kitties lives
5. We're intelligent cat bloggers
6. 3 of us live here
7. We live where it snows
1. Patches Lady, Mittens Pollypaws, Mistrie Rose
3. About 2 months, since I first discovered cat blogs
4.Just love reading about other kitties
5. Fur and cute toes
6. We are two calicos and a torbie
7. We are all strays that have found lots of luvs and our furever home.
That is such a cute picture!
1. Beau
3. approximately 6 months
4. I like keeping up with what my kitty blogging friends are up to!
5. We're both smart, cute, blogging cats, and we're both in the south.
6. We look different and I don't have siblings, and only a mom. I also live in a condo, not a house.
7. I never get Stinky Goodness.
1. Kukka-Maria, Exiled Empress
3. About 3.5 minutes
4. I love my fellow blogging felines and will come back to learn more about you.
5. Judging by the many pictures on your blog, we are both plagued by paparazzi.
6. I'm beautiful, whereas you both are extraordinarily stunning.
7. I used to date Brad Pitt and he refuses to stop contacting me (even though I keep changing my phone number) because he loved it when I would rub my face against his neck. Men...
1. Lynn
3. I dunno- 8-10 months?
4. I like to see what you guys and Jen are up to.
5. We love to sleep
6. I have to go to work
7. I grew up with Persian kitties
Looks like a comfy bed.
1. Bonnie Underfoot, Victor Tabbycat and lambj, their woman/mom
3. Since Nov or Dec 05
4. Cats... pictures... stories.
5. We're blogging cats.
6. You can't sleep in our Dad's puter chair - it's the bestest.
7. Dad says, "what color underwear we have on," but for cats... what kind of litter we use? (Swheat Scoop... and white)
So cute and snuggly.
We just like to drop by your blog because you are kitties! We have a little kitty house like yours too!
The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South!
1. Derby
3. About 2 months.
4. Gotta keep track of my fellow kitty blogging friends.
5. We are both cats.
6. I am a boy cat
7. Ummm, I love to eat mum's hair at night.
1. Magoo, Smudge, Bella & Dolce
3. About three months
4. Loved reading about people's adventures with their cats (laughing and crying over the stories)
5. We sleep 23 hours a day
6. We're Canucks, you're Yanks.
7. I like to go for a walk on a leash
1. Turtle, Moose and Nala
3. We're new!
4. We are voyeurs, and are enjoying peeking into the lives of other kitties
5. We live in the South
6. We have a BOY (would you be interested in taking him ~ Turtle and Nala)
7. Turtle refuses to eat anything except her hard food. She won't eat tuna bits, chicken bits, kitty treats of any kind! It's ok though, cause there's more for us!! ~ Nala and Moose
1. Name: Jasper; aka Jasper McKitten-Cat, Jaz, Jazzy, J-purr, DJ Jazzy Cat
3. I think I've been reading it since about when you started.
4. I have to keep up with all my catty friends. Plus you are so cute and I enjoy your stories.
5. Well, we're cats and we blog.
6. But even though we have four cats in our household, none are white like you...
7. I was born in a non-kill shelter in Illinois and was the last of my litter to be adopted. Other than a few brief "walks" outside on my leash (what a silly idea...), I have never explored outside.
1. The Meezers (Sammy and Miles)
3. We've been reading it about a month - we think.
4. we like to keep up with all of our kitty blogging friends
5. We're extremely cute. And we blog
6. You are white, we are Seal Point Meezers.
7. Sammy was found in Mommy's garden when he was just a baby - about 5 weeks old - he was abandoned and scared. Miles was adopted from a friend of Mommy's. Our Senior Catizens, Trixie and Norton, were rescued from the middle of a road in New Haven, CT in 1987. They were only about 4 weeks old.
I guess I had better answer too huh.
1. Oscar the wonder cat
3. um a few months I think
4. My sister doesn't like me and I am not allowed out much so I like my online kitty friends, and you guys are sooooooo cute. (i think I wuv you just a little).
5. Um, we are both kitties and we like our kitty houses to sit in
6. I am a long haired ginger and both of you, well, aren't. hehe
7. If I am outside and I hear a noise I run to the front door to come back in cause I am a scaredy cat.
Wow, this is so interesting!!
Things I want to know:
1. Your name or alias. Sanjee
2. Your blog address if you have one.
3. How long have you been reading my blog? Since I found it a while back!
4. Why do you keep reading? What makes you come back? Cuz I like visiting my blogging cat friends.
5. What do we have in common? We're beautemous girl kitties
6. How are we different? You don't have to live with Mini the Moocher (luck you!)
7. Something I don't know about you. Sometimes I let Mini sleep on the bed when Grandma's sleepin
1. Your name or alias. Badness
2. Your blog address if you have one.
3. How long have you been reading my blog?Since you said Hello on our blog
4. Why do you keep reading? What makes you come back?Interacting with my fellow felines online
5. What do we have in common?We are CATS
6. How are we different? I don't know!
7. Something I don't know about you.I destroyed the Mother's screen door
1. Your name or alias: Chatham/ChatCat
2. Your blog address if you have on:.
3. How long have you been reading my blog? Hmmmm ... I don't know. I've been lurking for a couple of weeks, I think.
4. Why do you keep reading? What makes you come back? I like to see what everyone is doing. I come back when I can.
5. What do we have in common? I don't get along with my brother.
6. How are we different? I'm a Siamese. You aren't. But that's okay.
7. Something I don't know about you. I used to play "fetch" when I was a baby until I knew better.
1. Your name or alias. Princess Mia Bella
2. Your blog address if you have one.
3. How long have you been reading my blog? Since about 3 or four months ago
4. Why do you keep reading? What makes you come back? I like to keep up with what my SuperNameTwin and her family are up to
5. What do we have in common? We're Southern kitties
6. How are we different? I don't have any siblings
7. Something I don't know about you. I sleeps with my beans at night
1. Buzzerbee and meep
3. Since you ladies started in May
4. We like readin' 'bout your day and the adventures you have
5. Sometimes we don't get along with eachother
6. We're both boy cats
7. meep has to get sprayed every night with a special kitty hair product - he has wicked dandruff!
1. Fat Eric
3. Not sure...a few months.
4. I like to check in on what all the blogging kitties are up to. (and I am secretly in love with Ghost)
5. We love food and sleeping?
6. I'm an English cat.
7. I have become addicted to Feline Greenies since my uncle in the USA sent me some for Xmas!
1 - Sadie, Sadaboo, Snarky Sadie
2 - Don't have one, mine mommy says I can have one when she has more time!(She works waaay to much)
3 - for about 4 months *that's right boo* o.k. daddy says 4 months
4 - I like to know what other kitties think of stuff
5 - I have a sisfur too
6 - I like pickles
7 - everything, you don't know anything about me. I hope that can change soon.
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