ZS&S asked about the woofie. BG AKA Baby Girl came here in 2006. She is a Jack Russell so she isn't very big - see her picture above. We have no idea where she came from - she just showed up. She only barks when she chases the cows or gets mad at evil squeaky toys. She is scared of Ghost because of the scary Ghost HISS!
Parker asked how old I am and we aren't entirely sure of the answer to that. Our best guess is probably between 2 and 3 - Mom said she could be way off cause it has been a long time since she was around younger cats.
Tybalt asked how I was lucky (?) enough to be Ghost's new sister. As much as she has hissed, I'm not sure she thinks it lucky! Mom said the short answer was it was the right time when I showed up.
Hopefully, Mom will be able to get my gotcha story up soon. Thanks to everyone welcoming me. Ya'll are a lot nicer than that grumpy white cat is to me.