Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Purrayers for Crystal's Family

Our blogging friend Crystal passed over the Rainbow Bridge today. Please keep Crystal's Mom, Snoodleroo & their family in your thoughts and/or purrayers. We didn't get to know Crystal long but we really miss her still & hope she is having a good time with all the residents at the Rainbow Bridge.

Mia, Ghost & Jen (AKA Mia & Ghost's Mom)


Daisy Sunshine said...

I am sorry to hear about your friend. We will keep her mama in our thoughs and purrayers.

Ivan from WMD said...

Thanks for letting us know...

Kukka-Maria said...

So hard to lose a loving pet...we'll be thinking of her.

Thanks for the update!

jenianddean said...

What horrible sad news...

Anonymous said...

I am so very sad. MEEEOOOOOW.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

It is always horrible news when one of us leaves to go on and we know those we left behind miss us so much and are so lonely for awhile, but we wait on the other side for you...~Quote from a wise kitty

Poiland ROdentia, Poodies, Bun and 'Beans It is nice of you to make a tribute on your blog Mia and Ghost.

Lynn said...

We visited Crystal's blog. It is so nice of you to write a tribute. You guys are so kind.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We signed her blog.....we are ever so sorry for such a terrible loss of such a beautiful girl.

Cat Naps in Italy said...

How sad. We hope Crystal has found the peace that she deserves. My she rest forever in the hands of God. Keeping her family in our thoughts and prayers.
Opus and Roscoe

Anonymous said...

Link added!

Unknown said...

All of your comments are welcome. We are all feeling a bit better today. We are going to go blogging today. Thank you again and bless you all. Snoodleroo & family