Thank you
Faz for tagging me.
Here are the rules:
Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. As you might can tell from my picture, I only have one eye. This was picture right after I came back from V-E-T. If you look closely you can see my stitches where eye was removed.
2. I was a feral kitty when I came here but Mom helped me trust her & convinced me to come move in with her.
3. I'm a girl! Sometimes people don't know because my name doesn't give them any clue.
4. My Granddaddy's (Mom's Dad) birthday is tomorrow (5/13). Shhh... they are planning a surprise party and letting him think it is for Mom's nephew who is graduating from Emory Monday.
5. I have lost all my teeth - some never came in due to my diet as kitten. Others have either been pulled or fallen out due to infections
6. I'm still mad that BG (that d-o-g) is living here. But I'm not scared of her cause I know Mom wouldn't let anything happen to me.
7. I have completely white fur, pink paw pads, and my eye is green.
We think everyone has been tagged - but if you would like to play please consider yourself tagged.
Mom hasn't been helping us with blog very much because she is working all the time. We hope it will get better but she isn't very hopeful - she is sitting around looking at her laptop mumbling about JDBC, C, databases, VPN, sftp, and other stuff. Hopefully she won't lose her mind and will be able to help us more soon.