Wow - we received the above award from both our friends Samantha & Tigger and our favorite mancat Beau. Thank ya'll so much.
We may duplicate some friends who have already received the award but here are our list and it is hard to limit it with such great friends.
Luxor, Silky & Ninna - we love all their pictures
Karen Jo - Kitty Limericks - she is so good to keep coming up with the wonderful limericks about all our friends. BTW... We saw where her s-i-l is responding to treatment (YAY!)
Captain Jack & Dante - our newest friends
Patches, Mittens, Mistrie & Patches - we love the beautiful big piney woods where they live and their pictures
Boy - he is just so cute & smart we love reading his blog
Congratulations to you on your "sweet" award! :)
And thanks so much for thinking of my sisters as well as me! This is a new award to us!
Thanks for wiking mine bwoggy. i wove yours too!
Wow, thanks so much for the award, and thinking about us! We love you guys!
Congratulations on your award!
Wow! Thank you so much! We are honored!
Congratulations on your sweet award. You are both very sweet kitties. Thank you so much for giving this award to me. I really appreciate it.
Congratulations on your award! It's very well-deserved!
Thank you for coming to my party and helping to make my birthday the best one I've ever had!
Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.
Concatulations on your award! How great!
Thanks for the information about Ghost. It sounds like she could be Dorf's sisfur frum anudder mudder...
Luf, Us
Wow, an award congratulations! I am new to the blogging world and I am so impressed that you have an award. What is the award for? Do you get to go to a big party to pick it up?
Thanks for coming back to my blog. I am glad that you said it is OK to make a dedication for a post. Opus and Roscoe were the first ones to visit me so I thought it would be fun to let them know how happy it made me. Try and give them a visit, I think you would like them. You have a nice blog, nice job.
Well deserved! FAZ
concatulations Mia, Ghost and BG ~The FLuffy TRibe
conCATulashuns on yur awardie! And thankies so much fur reading the story Momma wroted fur me -- I'm so glad you liked it!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
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