Monday, December 21, 2009

Mondays with Myst

HI!!!! Sorry for no pictures but I won't stay still long enough for Mom to snap a picture... I'm only about 6 months old so I have questions...

1. Why can some bugs fly? I can't catch them when they land on ceiling.
2. Why does Jade hiss at me?
3. Why can't I help cook?
4. Why is there a tree in the living room with door closed?
5. Why am I not allowed to climb it?
6. Why are there socks hanging on wall?
7. Who is this Santa fellow that is suppose to be coming?
8. Why does Blackie live outside while Jade & I are inside?
9. Why does Mom kiss me on the head?
10. Why are there closed doors?

Mom said there are a lot of smart cats on blogosphere so I'm hoping someone can help me with my questions (I have more).

Thx - Myst


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Personally I think those are all good questions. The bugs who can fly are there to annoy you. Jade hisses probably because she doesn't see how wonderful you are (or she is jealous--cats are often jealous of my great beauty too). Humans seem to think they have dominion over the cooking (even if they are bad at it and your help would only make things taste better)... Closed doors are EVIL, which probably means that not being allowed to climb a tree behind a close door would be EVIL too. Socks on a wall are to be played with. Your Mom kisses you on the head because humans like to taste us and smell us (You can understand that can't you?) Santa is the guy with a big bag of ham and he should be here soon...

The Island Cats said...

You sure ask a lot of questions!! We got a tree in our house too...and we don't know why we can't climb it...we only know that mom will get really md if we do!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yeah, what Chey & Gemini said.

Kimo and Sabi said...

We hope you have a healthy and happy new year 2010!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year!